Monday, September 8, 2008

Two Demons Bound by Government

There they go again. Two demons created by government and allowed to screw things up by the government that summoned them, have now been bound by government. Fannie and her evil younger brother Freddie have been nationalized.

U.S. Seizes Mortgage Giants

When will the dumb, dark magi in Washington learn that summoning a demon is bad enough (as FDR, the Great Dark Mage of Statism did in 1938 in the case of Evil Fannie), but you must, as soon as possible, BANISH it?

Instead, they have chosen to tie and bind it. Let's see how long that lasts. Either way, it won't be pretty. This will look good for the short run, but in the long run will not serve us well. That is the primary problem with having so much government control over our economy; all anyone cares about is the short run: the election cycle.

Oh well. Who is John Galt?

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