Saturday, November 8, 2008

More on How the Conspiracy is Behind Obama

I just can never get enough of this stuff. Hat tip to the Libertarian Republican who found this at the Whole Truth Coalition:

Part 1:

part 2:


Anonymous said...

this world financial crisis is orchestrated. it would appear we are leading up to some sort of bigger conflict. within a decade im sure some analysts will predict.
to look at the bigger picture is right, china, russia.
that guy seems like a fathead but i believe to be accurate concerning world events, although its hard to imagine obama being president so this breeding as a manchurian candidate seems wrong to me.
going to be some interesting times, im afraid.

bluberryhaze says hi!

Fishermage said...

hey dude! Good to see you here. I never know how much of this stuff to believe or not to believe; but I want to share all information I find with people.

That is one of the reasons I started this blog.