Dear Libertarians

 To my friends who are finally leaving the Libertarian Party: the Democratic Party is the largest anti-fascist coalition in history, and has never been more libertarian on matters of personal liberty. The vast majority advocate well-regulated capitalism, a good safety net, and progressive taxation. That combo has in fact produced some of the most free societies in history

Most are anti-interventionist and they are divided on trade. Most want more immigration, and some even scratch the libertarian position.
As a libertarian Democrat, I just helped, in small ways, Democrats legalize cannabis here in Connecticut. For years Libertarians cried, but we Democrats delivered. It felt good to win one for liberty.
Fellow libertarians, the Libertarian Party is no longer the place for us. The fascist Republican Party is literally the opposite of us. Now is the time to choose the lesser evil, and find out, as I did, that the lesser evil is pretty damn good.

Anti-Statism is Killing the Libertarian Party

Looks like the Libertarian Party is crashing and burning, leaving only paleo-libertarians and alt-right edgelords behind. Former Chair Joe Bishop-Henchman says it's toxic people. I think it goes a bit deeper than that.
The Libertarian Party didn't fail because of toxic people. It attracted toxic people with its extremist, toxic anti-statism.

Liberty is a government program. The most successful in history. It's not the absence of a state -- it's the presence of the right kind of state.
The right kind of state is a liberal democracy with a well-regulated capitalist economy, a well-funded safety net, and some system of restorative progressive taxation.
The rest is details. And the details...that's hard. That's the purpose of politics. To the libertarian, the goal is liberty, and as such the goal is to find, within that general framework, the sweet spot.
My fellow libertarians, this is exactly what the Democratic Party is into.
Liberty isn't the absence of state it's the presence of choices, abundance, and social concord.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Murray Rothbard: Pioneer on the Libertarian-to-Fascist Trail

 Murray Rothbard practically started the libertarian-to-fascist pipeline. Call him a pioneer on the trail, that became a pipeline, and is now a superhighway. That's how long this has been going on. He went from protesting the war with the hippies to teaming up with fascist Pat Buchanan.

Meanwhile, the Kochs took the gradualist approach. They still went from libertarian to fascist, though. LP to Tea Party to Trumpism, with their think tanks normalizing the ride, and giving the fashies better arguments.