Sunday, September 14, 2008

1 Corinthians 15: 22 - 26

Once again, it's time for Sunday Bible Study! All please turn to 1 Corinthians 15: 22 - 26:

22For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. 23But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. 24Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

This passage dovetails nicely with Romans 5:18, which we discussed on Sunday, August 31st.

Here we see Paul laying out for us essentially a staged salvation plan. First, Christ Himself is raised, then, comes we who believe. Then on the Last Day, Death is the last enemy defeated.

I take this to clearly mean that Christ is the first sign of God's plan; then comes the Christians, his foot soldiers carrying the gospel, then, in the end, EVERYONE. Note 1 Corinithians 15: 22: he says in Christ ALL will be made alive; as in Adam all die. Once again we see the legal proof, almost mathematical. The total of mankind is doomed through Adam; the totality of mankind is saved through Christ.

Once again we see the divine mathematics of God's way. In man, we can really only have FINITE Sin. There are only so many people, so many years, so many sins. Even the effect of sin is some finite (although VERY LARGE) number. Christ, however, being 100% God and 100% man, is infinite crossing finite. Therefore, his atonement is infinite. Infinite atonement trumps finite sin, and even has extra for a song and dance number.

Now, take this joy with you and go love your neighbor!

They NGE'ed Sitemeter!

Rollback please!

For fans of SWG, it's deja vu all over again.

*Update: Sitemeter has been rolled back to its earlier incarnation. Oh, if only SOE had done this with the NGE.

RIP David Foster Wallace

Ugh. Another smart person has killed himself. My prayers go out to his family, friends, students, and fans.

Writer David Foster Wallace found dead

Please, if you are a smart person, a talented writer, or anyone else who contributes to this world, please, Heaven already HAS plenty of talent. They don't need you. WE do. LIVE.

These Crappy Ads Should Stop

Now, I LOVE a good negative ad. I still remember Reagan's "Bear in the Woods" ad, that's how effective it was. It was not only well, done but most importantly, it made a reasonable point.

This one starts out very well, but that crack about sex education is ridiculous:


And this one is just garbage. Granted, Obama was an idiot to use the "lipstick" metaphor in context of Sarah Palin's ad-lib joke at the convention, but it is unfair and inaccurate to say he INTENTIONALLY meant HER. No, he was, all by himself, showing he is too dumb to lead this nation. McCain should have let the victory go at that but no, sensing the blood in the water, went too far:


Now, Obama is not innocent in this either, in fact, one can say he has done one even more despicable than the other two.

Epic Fail.

Not only does John McCain know how to use a computer and send out an e-mail; he has a difficult time because his war injuries make using a keyboard tough.

Instead of THIS, far more effective ad that plays on the same theme:
See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Dudes, to quote the great political pundit whose "government name" is Sean Combs, you are buggin' the f**k out. A rich bimbo is making better attack ads than you. Cut the crap and let's see some quality attack ads, like this one:

Or this gem:

Smart attack ads FTW.

So Far, So Good...

Gnarliest kills in The Force: Unleashed

Can't wait for the 16th....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Prayer for Texas

Just taking a moment for thoughts and prayers for the people of southeast Texas who are now coping with Ike.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Perfect Example

This is exactly what I was talking about in part of my earlier post, Interesting Press Release from Bob Barr, here we have a clear example of the misunderstanding from the left side of the spectrum.

First, note carefully, in his hatred of Republicans, how he fails to make the connection between the faction within the Jihad that took over Iran and declared war against us in 1979, and the faction of that same Jihad known as Al Qaeda that declared war on us and then attacked us on 9/11.

Also note how he blames REPUBLICANS for taking over 9/11 and using it for their own political ends, when he forgets HOW that happened. That happened primarily due to Democrat hatred of George Bush outweighing their love of freedom.

George Bush didn't do anything against Democrats after 9/11; Democrats, instead of helping to unite the country against the Jihad, immediately began to undermine our war against it.

Note the hatred in his missive, note the venom. THIS is what has divided this country, NOT George Bush. To be fair, George Bush has been weak on this as well; he has failed to truly educate the American people and has failed to effectively communicate what and why we fight.

That's HIS fault. The Democrats, however, have continued to obfuscate the situation in a clear attempt to hurt him. As we saw in 2006, they clearly chose that winning elections was more important than winning the war against the Jihad. In Olbermann's screed, we can see just how much hating his political enemies among his fellow Americans is more important to him than actually understanding the issues at hand and what we are up against.

It is time for everyone to stop this crap and recognize that our enemy, the Jihad, sees this and is emboldened by it.

Special thanks to Yid With a Lid for finding this dirty little gem.

With Friends Like These...

Saudi: OK to kill owners of 'immoral' TV networks
Friday September 12, 10:38 am ET

Top cleric in Saudi judiciary: it's OK to kill owners of TV networks airing 'immoral content'

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) -- Saudi Arabia's top judiciary official has issued a religious decree saying it is permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV networks that broadcast immoral content.

The 79-year-old Sheik Saleh al-Lihedan said Thursday that satellite channels cause the "deviance of thousands of people."

We have to watch all this very closely, learn from it, understand what we are up against. THIS is the mentality that is at war with everything we hold dear, whether in Saudi Arabia or in our own neighborhoods. This is an endless war for freedom and civilization that there are no easy victories, no simple strategies -- what we can do however is note it, share it, and discuss it without fear of offending or insulting those who would kill over words and ideas.

This, cloaked in the guise of a friend, is the enemy, naked and unashamed of such horrific views. Now, I know Saudi Arabia is not one big monolith, but repressive regimes without a true separation of Church (or Mosque) and State ENCOURAGE this path of darkness within their borders.

Interesting Press Release from Bob Barr

For the first time in my recollection, the Libertarian candidate has actually praised a sitting president:

Mark 9/11 Anniversary by Targeting Terrorists Overseas While Respecting Liberties at Home, Says Bob Barr

“Seven years have passed since the horrid terrorist attacks of 9/11," says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party nominee for President. "The U.S. government can best mark the anniversary by continuing to target groups which threaten Americans, but also by respecting the liberties upon which our nation is based."

“The Bush administration deserves credit for having done much to disable al Qaeda as an effective terrorist organization,” Barr says.

Wow. To think, Bob Barr actually has some nice things to say about what Bush has been doing.

Says some things I couldn't agree with more, and then shows the tragic misunderstanding of what is going on in WWIII, common to my brothers and sisters in the Libertarian Party and most Democrats and Republicans as well:

“However, early on, the administration took its eye off of the ball when it shifted troops from searching for Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan to use in the unnecessary war in Iraq. Now, the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating badly,” adds Barr.

“Moreover, the Bush administration engaged in a sustained attack on the liberty and privacy of Americans in the name of combating terrorism. It drafted the Patriot Act, which provided the federal government with powers well beyond those necessary to confront potential terrorists, and it initiated an illegal surveillance program of telephone calls and emails, ignoring both the Constitution and the law,” Barr explains.

His first mistake is that Iraq is not a war, it is a theater. Afghanistan is not a war, it is a theater. The Phillipines is not a war, it is a theater.

In WWII we did not call it the German War and the Japanese War, except to describe them as theaters in a global conflict against fascist/Imperial allies and powers. Germany never attacked us, yet we attacked them because they were allied with Japan.

That world war involved real nations that had a formal alliance. It was different from this world war of unofficial alliances, with rivalries within those alliances. What 9/11 signified was one attack, out of many attacks previously made, of the Global Jihad, a loose alliance of an ideology of Islamic theocracy.

Terrorism is one of many tactics this alliance is willing to use; and some of the groups and countries involved include but are and were not limited to Al-Qaeda, Iran, Iraq, The Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Abu Sayyaf, in the far east, Hammas, Hezbollah, and others. Some pretend to be our friends yet work against us, some our outright against us, and some have shifted along the way (Libya).

This is an extremely complicated war, but it is most definitely a world war. Make no mistake -- the enemy we have here is just as dedicated and far more dangerous than the Nazi regime of Germany or the Imperial regime of Japan -- they feel they have God behind them, have been at this far longer, and have much more money behind them.

9/11 was nothing more than a wake-up call to a war that Iran declared against us in 1979. That Bin Laden's faction declared some time later; that Saddam declared allegiance to many times, as has Hammas Hezbollah and the rest mentioned. the plan: destroy us or make us submit to Sharia, make their own "Muslim Lands" do the same until the world is ruled by competing muslim regimes, until which time they will fight among themselves until the caliphate is established.

This is what they have stated time and again. I would suggest my fellow lovers of liberty to study this. I'd suggest starting with their own words, which can be found in a nice, simple primer like the Al Qaeda Reader by Raymond Ibrahim

Now, was Iraq the best place to move against this elusive enemy? Perhaps not, but viewing it as a separate war gets the whole shebang bloody wrong. Perhaps we should have moved against Iran first; but in some ways, creating a free fly zone over Iraq for Israel, and a free fly zone over Afghanistan for us, Pakistan and India might just be the ticket, given the situation in Iran.

Barr was however right on target with our own rights at home. We ARE in a World War, but we MUST not forget what we are fighting for, and extreme care must be given NOT to give into either an Imperial presidency OR a loss of liberty for our citizens.

The Patriot Act is NOT what has "kept us safe" (we may never be safe), but attacking the enemy has kept them off balance, and THAT has been the main factor preventing any attacks at home. The fact that we retaliated so boldly caused them to reassess their strategy, which is what they have been doing these last seven years.

We ought to repeal or revisit the Patriot Act, but at the same time, get on with and continue the defeat of the Global Jihad. The idea is to defeat the enemy, NOT ourselves. But the enemy is REAL and we must see that.

This is why I have a hard time supporting ANY of the political parties this year. The Democrats want to take away our freedom, and lose the war. The Republicans want to win the war, but seem all too willing to take away our freedom. The Libertarians are in denial.

What would Cap do? Damned if I know.