Sunday, October 5, 2008

Politics Brings Out the Worst in Us

Especially the kids...

A Perfect Attack Ad

High praise to Republicans for making a skillful negative ad that highlights democrat involvement in the recent financial meltdown. Thus far, Democrats have been lying day and night about how it was the past eight years of "Bush deregulation," without pointing to one Bush deregulation that was casual. It's just a blanket lie, and the media isn't calling them on it.

This ad brings out a bit of the truth on this. Now BOTH parties are guilty of what led to the current crisis, but not Republicans from the Bush era. The republicans who made the significant regulatory changes were of the Clinton era primarily, and had nothing to do with Bush.

Now, personally, I don't think deregulation really had much to do with what happened, but if one does, one ought not lie about who did the deregulating just so they can hurt Republicans and get elected. Once again the Democrats place political power over patriotism.

It wasn't Bush. Bush called for MORE regulation in this area not less.

Anyway, here's the ad. Enjoy:

Friday, October 3, 2008

The VP Debate

Well, BOTH did fine, which means a win for Palin, since Democrats have been salivating, in their mean-spirited and nasty way, for Biden to destroy her and watch her screw up. She also got the line of the night, when she said 'Say it ain't so, Joe!"

Basically she redeemed herself, at least in my eyes, after that screw-up with Couric.

What this shows is that McCain made a HUGE mistake, not in picking her, but cloistering her and handing her over to the Bush people to coach her. He gave her to the people responsible for producing the most ineffective communicator who has ever sat in the White House.

Finally they let Sarah BE Sarah, and ya know what? She did fine.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bob Barr on the Bailout

A new message from Barr on the bailout, well worth considering.

Why vote for more of the same with Obamacaine when you can vote for Hope and Change with the Libertarian Party?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Obama Youth?

Behold the Obama youth as they sing a Worshipful Praise Song for Dear Leader:

When we give up belief in a higher power, invariably we end up worshiping men. To me, this is scarier than Jesus Camp, because Jesus isn't running for anything.

Can We Trust the Polar Bear?

I thought this was cute...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jeff Freeman, RIP

Oh God even typing this up just breaks my heart. First, the statement from his brother posted on the site:

Some of you know who Jeff Freeman was; he was the lead designer at Sony when the major changes were made to SWG that left so many upset. Although it was not his fault he took the brunt of the criticisms, attacks, and even death threats.

Some of you may have even known him back in the UO days as Dundee, Guild Master of the Nameless Ones on Lake Superior and later the administrator of the private UO server World of Dreams.

I am not sure why I have chosen this forum to share this news; it may be that I would have loved to see Jeff build the game that he really wanted to, if he was running a private server. You see I am his brother. On September 24th Jeff took his own life. I am not angry at him or anyone else, sad yes, like so many others I feel a bit of guilt but I love my brother and I am thankful that he is no longer suffering.

Below is part of the obituary that will run in the Longview News Journal on Wednesday, October 1, 2008.

LONGVIEW - Memorial services for Jeff Freeman, 39, of Austin, will be at 4 p.m. Thursday, October 2, 2008 at Triumphant Christian Center, 1308 Reel Road, 903-xxx-xxxx.

Born October 8, 1968, he was a computer programmer who worked on many popular programs including Star Wars Galaxies and had served this country as a member of the U.S. Army Reserves.

"Because Christ suffered so much for us, we can receive so much comfort from Him." 2 Cor 1:5

I hope all of you will join me and our family as we celebrate his life.

later his brother posted a follow up:

Yes, I do plan on posting on his blog but I do not have any of his login information. That is something I am working on today. When I do get access to his blog I will post some pics etc... to show what a great person he was.

I am sure it seemed strange that I posted here, but this is the only contact I have the SWG community. I was a fan of pre-cu and have played on the test server. I have even considered running a server when SWGemu is released. I am not the programmer my brother was but I am excited about the project.

Also, I want everyone to know that it was not SWG that lead him to take his life. He has been troubled for sometime. There were alot of personal issues that tore at him. I did not post here because this is a community of pre-cu fans. As I stated before this is just the SWG community I have a connection to.

Regardless of how SWG turned out we must admit that many of the great things we enjoyed about pre-cu was because of his work.

Kylrathin I to wish it was a joke. I miss him so much.... I need him back...

He and I began our correspondence back when the whole NGE thing happened. We started out as semi-adversaries, but I'd like to think he and I became actual internet buddies over the years, and not only did I grow to respect him, but like him as well. He was a good man and a good game designer; and I am going to miss him greatly. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Here's the link to his blog: