Sunday, May 3, 2009

Good News!

Another good little viddie I found at Message in Motion:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Slap Chop Remix

I love this video from Steve Porter:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Your Political Compass

The test is slanted left, but it's fun to take anyway. Predictably, here's how I did:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Barney Frank 2005 -- What Housing Bubble?

More evidence that this mess was ignored by the Democrats who cashed in on it in the fall. Where was the Mainstream Media on this? Where was the supposedly "right wing" Fox News on this?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bridging the Gap

A very good piece about gays and the church. It is time for the church to have a reformation in this area:

We need to stop worrying about "what is sin?", and start worrying about "where is the love?"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

After Almost 100 Days....

This is what I am seeing -- a picture is worth a hundred words.
Certainly no better, possibly a lot worse.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Something I've Always Thought About Pollution and the Environment

I feel the ultimate solution eventually will be resolved by moving most of our industry and manufacturing off planet. This won't happen until most if not all of the socialism on this planet is ended. Socialism is a wealth sucker and a progress destroyer.

People must be free to generate the society of abundance that would have been here long ago had Europe and the US not embraced the failed policies of Plato (Rule by the Philosopher Kings, also known as the People Who Know Better Than You or I). We have to intellectually evolve beyond the notion that, if we get smart people to do it, someone can force us to do the right thing. Not gonna happen. Fails every time.

That doesn't mean we don't need a government and institutions to keep us free. Quite the opposite. We need a government that serves us and protects our rights and property, however, not one that rules us. Only liberal capitalist democracy comes close to fitting that bill. By liberal of course I mean "classical liberal" not modern liberal.

I say we go the way of Corellia, for lack of a better example.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Change I Can Believe In

As you all know, I have some very strong differences with President Obama, mostly in economics. That being said, IF he was the driving force behind the decriminalization of marijuana I would not only vote for him, I would campaign for his second term.

Today NORML launches a campaign to convince people that NOW is the time for CHANGE. Let us HOPE so.