Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Tao of Revolution

Revolution is a part of evolution, and as such always has a nasty side to it. For every Professor X, there is a Magneto.

Let's love all whether we agree to disagree about the particulars -- all are people who would breathe sweet liberty.

In Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon -- in our own neighborhoods -- let us stand as one with with those who wo...uld stand with us as free men and women. It is the birthright of all.

Let us pray for those who will fall on all sides of this struggle.

Interesting Observation

Sunday, January 23, 2011


In the grand tradition of politics coining words (Misunderestimate and refudiate come to mind), I am going to invent the word Inciteful. Anything that incites something else by its nature is inciteful.

For instance. Sarah Palin's inciteful gun jokes. John Stewart's inciteful humiliation and belittling of people he disagrees with.

"Al Gore's scary movie was inciteful (at least for James Jay Lee)."

"Fishermage's inciteful posts on the internet...."

This image of Rick shooting zombies is inciteful.

I like it better than inciting.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas With The Devil -- The Jazz Version

I am in awe of this Judith Owen rendition of one of my favorite Holiday tunes:

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Good News

Some very good news from tonight.
One: divided government is the best we can hope for -- it mitigates the damage any party can do.
Two: If the Tea Party sticks with economic conservatives, they will win, if they choose wacky social conservatives, they will lose.
Three: You can't buy your seat (Whitman, McMahon, and Fiorino).

But yes, most of all, hooray for divided government.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Obama! A Modern U.S. President (musical spoof)

Someone using the same idea Joe Pishgar had, only as a spoof of Obama.

Remember though, Joe's came first!

I Am The Very Model of Democratic Candidate

A great ad from my friend Joe Pishgar, who sadly lost his primary in Florida. Either way he is a terrific guy with a bright political future!