Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stephan Molyneux: The First Manifesto of the Wall Street Protesters!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What the author meant vs. What your English teacher thinks the author meant

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Want YOU...

Great Freemasons: James Bruce (1730 - 1794)

James Bruce was a Scottish traveller and travel writer who spent more than a dozen years in North Africa and Ethiopia, where he traced the origins of the Blue Nile.

Bruce also brought back to Europe a select collection of Ethiopian manuscripts. "They opened up entirely new vistas for the study of Ethiopian languages and placed this branch of Oriental scholarship on a much more secure basis," writes Ullendorff. "It is not known how many MSS. reached Europe through his endeavours, but the present writer is aware of at least twenty-seven, all of which are exquisite examples of Ethiopian manuscript art. Bruce presented a fine and specially prepared copy of the Book of Enoch to Louis XV in Paris." While most of these manuscripts are in Ge'ez, one notable exception is a version of the Song of Songs written in Gafat, a language which Ullendorff states "is known to us only from this manuscript."

Monday, October 3, 2011

Great Freemasons: Robert Burns (1759 - 1796)

Affliction's sons are brothers in distress; A brother to relieve, how exquisite the bliss!
Robert Burns

The Master's Apron

Ther's mony a badge that's unco braw;
Wi' ribbon, lace and tape on;
Let kings an' princes wear them a' —
Gie me the Master's apron!

The honest craftsman's apron,
The jolly Freemason's apron,
Be he at hame, or roam afar,
Before his touch fa's bolt and bar,
The gates of fortune fly ajar,
`Gin he but wears the apron!

For wealth and honor, pride and power
Are crumbling stanes to base on;
Eternity suld rule the hour,
And ilka worthy Mason!
Each Free Accepted Mason,
Each Ancient Crafted Mason.

Then, brithers, let a halesome sang
Arise your friendly ranks alang!
Guidwives and bairnies blithely sing
To the ancient badge wi' the apron string
That is worn by the Master Mason!

(St. David's Lodge No. 174, Tarbolton)

Teddy Bears

Great Freemasons: William Frederick "Buffalo Bill" Cody (1846 – 1917)

"Frontiersmen good and bad, gunmen as well as inspired prophets of the future, have been my camp companions. Thus, I know the country of which I am about to write as few men now living have known it."
Buffalo Bill

(Raised in Platte Valley Lodge No. 15, Nebraska)

I'm An Atheist. I'm a Christian.

If God Can't take a Joke...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Great Freemasons: Roy Rogers (1911 - 1998)

"I did pretty good for a guy who never finished high school and used to yodel at square dances."

(Hollywood Lodge No. 355, California)