I am more thankful for the Liberty we have than anything else. I woke
up in a comfortable bed, in an air-conditioned room. I am a citizen of
the 23rd most free nation on earth -- I wish we were the most, but being
23rd means that "shot heard round the world" in 1776 really has
traveled the globe. Boom. I turned on this marvel of a machine,
this sorcery of our free society, and I saw my friends -- some
politicians, some teachers, scientists, actors, and people from all
walks of life -- posting radical ideas that in earlier days, would get
people hanged. I debated some of these things, liked others,
ignored others. Either way, we were all free to read and write our
radicalism, our crazy, most oddball ideas, and discuss them openly.
Nobody feared "the knock on the door." I then proceeded to
publish things on this marvel, bawdy things, that would at least get me
the stocks in days gone by, while I prepared a meal that only a man like
King George would have eaten, back in the day. I was able to do
this because I am part of the largest, greatest, most libertarian
enterprise in history -- the trade network that operates around the
world. We are all able to do this, together, because of the liberty we
share. Hunger is vanishing, lifespans and literacy increasing, and the
world is getting better and better in so many ways, as liberty and
democracy slowly, agonizingly expand. This is beautiful, and I think
it's something to be thankful for, and reflect upon. We have so
much further to go, so many battles to fight, so many people to win
over. So much wickedness, and so much stupidity, have also been part of
it all, and that fight's all part of our never-ending battle.
Today, though...I am just going to enjoy our freedom -- and especially
the blessings of liberty -- and thank you all for being part of this
great experiment with me.
Today, I celebrate this heathen fertility festival by celebrating the
folk hero, Robin Hood, the original libertarian, who was fond of saying
"Taxation is Theft," as he robbed from the feudal state and gave the
taxpayers back their money. They say he also hunted without a license.
I also celebrate the victory of liberalism over communism and remember
the millions who lost their lives due to that dark religion.