Friday, September 5, 2008

The Original Version

And the original version from the opening of Gunfight at Red Sands:

A Song For Sarah

The video is lame, but I've always loved this song:

This is the column that made me think of that song:

Good News From Obama's Enemy

Some hopeful signs from Mr. Obama's enemy, Pakistan, as reported by the BBC:

It appears that Bhutto's husband, Asif Zardari is the clear favorite in their upcoming election, and he plans to enact his assassinated wife's "master plan" of maintaining strong ties with the United States, giving her army what it wants, and going all-out against the Jihadis in Waziristan.

Thankfully, more and more people are beginning to realize this is a world war we have on our hands, and the Jihad must be completely defeated if the free world is to survive. This is a war where allies may come from unexpected places (Pakistan and Libya come to mind as two interesting possibilities), and, like with the Soviet Union in WWII, we may have to have uneasy friendships with regimes we aren't too happy with in order to defeat a more dangerous enemy.

Such has always been the case for the pragmatic believers in liberty, and such will always be the case. God help us, we may even have to befriend the French ;)

Tell Us How You Really Feel, Peg

This shows the elitist crap that infests the "old guard" of the Republican Party. Sad to see one of America's greatest wordsmiths sounding like this:

Palin More Popular than Obama or McCain

At least according to Rasmussen:

A week ago, most Americans had never heard of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Now, following a Vice Presidential acceptance speech viewed live by more than 40 million people, Palin is viewed favorably by 58% of American voters. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 37% hold an unfavorable view of the self-described hockey mom.

Furthermore, they go on to say:

Perhaps most stunning is the fact that Palin’s favorable ratings are now a point higher than either man at the top of the Presidential tickets this year. As of Friday morning, Obama and McCain are each viewed favorably by 57% of voters. Biden is viewed favorably by 48%.

So the Obamas decide to get a poodle, and John McCain decides to get a "pit bull with lipstick." I'd say McCain the better choice.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Bump is Gone

Well, Palin has done it; she has managed to erase Obama's lead already.

Details in this article:

(CBS) The presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain is now even at 42 percent, according to a new CBS News poll conducted Monday-Wednesday of this week. Twelve percent are undecided according to the poll, and one percent said they wouldn't vote.

This is in contrast to a poll conducted last weekend, where the Obama-Biden ticket led McCain-Palin by eight points, 48 percent to 40 percent.
Impressive. Most impressive. Looks like McCain made the right choice. Now, of course, this is just the beginning; but we must remember that the longer Obama goes, the WORSE he usually does. The more people get to know him, the LESS they seem to like him.

This isn't the primary race, where he can count on early, ignorant successes to assure him a nicely padded victory, as with his squeaker with Senator Clinton -- this is a long race, with knowledge of the candidates building, until one day, where we all decide at once.

This SHOULD have been a Democratic year no sweat. the Democrats have picked a poorly vetted candidate, and that just may cost them the White House.

As someone who mostly enjoys politics as a spectator sport, this is gonna be fun.


Just listened to the speech; not terrible. What can I say? Can we flip the ticket, please? I think he'd make a great VP.