Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't Vote!

Best Voting PSA in the history of EVER!

/Hat Tip to Kefkah over at MMOfringe.com!

Obama National Anthem

Seems this was from Glenn Beck. Funny scary, and all too true:

Birth of Freedom Shorts: Christianity and Human Equality

Another great one from the Acton Institute:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Almost There...

October 6, 2008

LucasArts, BioWare Prepare To Announce Joint Project

LucasArts, BioWare Prepare To Announce Joint Project LucasArts' and BioWare's long-awaited, much-discussed joint development project -- widely speculated to be an MMO set in the Star Wars universe circa BioWare's own Knights of the Old Republic -- will be revealed to the press October 21, according to an invitation sent out to media outlets including Gamasutra.

It is likely that the official announcement will come shortly after the October 21 press reveal held at LucasArts' San Francisco offices; events of this nature are frequently subject to a media embargo.

The postcard, which proclaims "The wait is over" and promises "the official unveiling of the game that's been rumored about for years," makes no explicit reference to Star Wars. It is branded with the LucasArts and BioWare logos and depicts floating robots and hooded figures in futuristic interior locations reminiscent of the sci-fi franchise.

The alleged existence of a KOTOR-themed MMO is considered one of the industry's worst-kept secrets, with BioWare parent Electronic Arts' CEO John Riccitiello essentially confirming the title's existence.

Riccitiello called the BioWare/LucasArts effort "quite possibly the most anticipated game, full stop, for the industry," before acknowledging it as a KOTOR MMO.

Development of the joint project is being handled at BioWare's Austin studio, created specifically for MMO development.

Okay, there you have it. The wait is almost over. To quote Chris Matthews, "I got this thrill running up and down my leg..."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

John 12:32

"And I, if I be lifted up,will draw all unto me." (KJV)

"And I, when I am lifted up, will draw all people to myself." (TNIV)

There's that world ALL again. Does all mean all? Once again, we have the crisis of literalism. If we choose to interpret certain scriptures literally, namely, the ones that seem to claim that not everyone is saved, then we are forced to once again believe that Jesus didn't really mean ALL when He says ALL. That he only meant some, his special dudes.

I'm sorry to those of you who favor either election (meaning, God has pre-destined a certain number of people to be saved, and the rest were sunk from the start; or those who believe in the free will doctrine, which in the end puts US in charge of the Universe and not God. If I get to CHOOSE to follow Christ, then God in Christ is NOT my savior -- I am. To me that doesn't make any sense at all either.

I choose to believe in MY version of selective literalism -- namely the one that makes God infinitely merciful, infinitely powerful, infinitely loving. But that'sjust me. You are entitled to another interpretation of the data.

Politics Brings Out the Worst in Us

Especially the kids...

A Perfect Attack Ad

High praise to Republicans for making a skillful negative ad that highlights democrat involvement in the recent financial meltdown. Thus far, Democrats have been lying day and night about how it was the past eight years of "Bush deregulation," without pointing to one Bush deregulation that was casual. It's just a blanket lie, and the media isn't calling them on it.

This ad brings out a bit of the truth on this. Now BOTH parties are guilty of what led to the current crisis, but not Republicans from the Bush era. The republicans who made the significant regulatory changes were of the Clinton era primarily, and had nothing to do with Bush.

Now, personally, I don't think deregulation really had much to do with what happened, but if one does, one ought not lie about who did the deregulating just so they can hurt Republicans and get elected. Once again the Democrats place political power over patriotism.

It wasn't Bush. Bush called for MORE regulation in this area not less.

Anyway, here's the ad. Enjoy: