Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Obama Health Reform and Wait Times Visualization (In Lego!)

Another fun one from Political Math. He makes some corrections here, but it's still good:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Wages of Sin is Death

I'm not sure if I've shared this one before, but what the Hell. It's a good one and As such, is worth repeating.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Regaining the Reagan Majority

All the Republican party needs to do to win, is either BE the party of limited government and freedom, or FOOL people into believing it. Since they squandered the capacity to fool the people under BOTH Bushes, it's going to take some reality to win next time.

Or all you Republicans who used to vote for them because they fooled you as well, come on across to the Libertarian Party. Remember, we were started when the your Young Republicans for Freedom dumped Nixon over price controls.Either the Republican Party needs to become a party of principle, or they will lose to Democract bribery. Republicans, when they buy votes, and being HYPOCRITES. Democrats, when they buy votes, are being DEMOCRATS. They win by creating permanent underclasses that need the democrat handouts. It's an effective tactic, but against real principles, it will fail.

As far as the social conservatives go, screw 'em. They are what has killed your party. Jettison the religious authoritarians.

This is a perfect time for folks to embrace real change. Not the more of the same of Obama (creeping socialism since Wilson, regardless of party), but real change. Freedom.

Had the Party actually listened to Reagan when he told Reason magazine in 1975, "If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism."

If they ever remember that they will regain the Reagan majority.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is Universalism a Jewish Belief?

As a messianic Jew with some heavy duty Universalist leanings, I found this video interesting.

Now of course, I agree with the New Testament doctrine that NONE are righteous. God's righteousness is an absolute, and all fall short -- therefore, as seen from the Holiness of God's perspective, none are righteous. however, ALL are made righteous by the sacrifice of the blood of the Lamb of God, which covers our sin in His eyes.

Like the Jews, however, I believe the righteous of all the nations are saved, and thus, eventually, in His time and in His way, ALL are saved.