Monday, April 12, 2010

I Love This Guy!


Stossel: What is a Libertarian?

This is probably the best piece on libertarianism I have ever seen on television. Stossel does s superb job of exploring libertarian thought:

I'd say I am closer to P.J. O'Roarke than anyone else on this show in my general outlook, although any of them are advocating an improvement from the statist quo. I think libertarians could learn a lesson from the radicals of the past. Let's do it through incrementalism.

We need our radicals to hold out the edge, but we need our libertarian moderates to actively pursue policies and candidates that can win. I can see that happening when I watch shows like this and scan the various libertarian and classical liberal sites.

I also want my word "liberal" back, because that is all we really are. Liberal used to mean we who believe in LIBERTY, but today it means those who are liberal with other people's money.

Obama is NOT a Socialist

At least according to Ron Paul:

“In the technical sense, in the economic definition, he is not a socialist,” the Texas Republican said to a smattering of applause at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference.

“He’s a corporatist,” Paul quickly added, meaning the president takes “care of corporations and corporations take over and run the country.”

He makes a fair point. Obamacare, which is really just corporate welfare for the insurance industry at the expense of the people, looks much more like Mussolini's corporate statism than any real Marxian socialist program.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Let us never forget just how inhuman we humans can be....

Universalism vs. Eternal Damnation

Interesting debate between Gary Amirault of Tentmaker Ministries and professor/author Jerry Walls.

I find both views somewhat flawed. If one wishes to believe what the Bible says, it seems there IS a place that we can call Hell, the Lake of Fire, a place of burning and torment -- so it sounds like Gary is off there.

However, I do not believe it is eternal in the sense of forever. There are enough instances where it does say that eventually ALL will be saved, so I am satisfied that "Hell" is a place of separation, testing, burning off one's imperfections, and readying oneself for the wonderful relationship with God that Dr. Walls speaks of.

I believe we ARE free, but God's love is ultimately irresistible.

Hell is a place we are always free to leave when we are ready and after we have faced God's PERFECT justice -- and that justice is REDEMPTIVE, not punitive.

Listening to the two though, I think with a gentle nudge they can end up believing the same thing.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

There Will Be No Recovery

Interesting video from Stefan over at Freedomain Radio where he discusses how statist democracies are just as destructive as other forms of statism:
I also like his take on how economic liberty produced the abundance that helped destroy it.

However, I see libertarianism growing everywhere among the people. People are learning elsewhere the things school should have taught them. Rand's sales are as high as they ever have been. More and more people on the left, right and center are getting interested in libertarianism. This makes me a bit more hopeful and optimistic than Stefan.

Nice how he shows that NO CONSPIRACY IS NEEDED, just a social dynamic of bankrupt philosophy that believes force and violence are the proper ways for humans to associate and that the immorality of modern liberalism and modern conservatism are all that is needed to destroy us economically.

Once again it shows how much we need real change, not the statist quo of Obama-ism.

/Hat Tip to my e-friend OrdoAbChao!

Henry Rollins: A Love Letter To Ann Coulter

One of my "late pass" moments. I can't believe I never saw this before. It's hysterical, but beware of Rollins amusing use of profanity:

/Hat Tip to KP!