Thursday, September 8, 2011

Death Star Destroys Enterprise

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Great Freemasons: William "Count" Basie (1904 - 1984)

Well, if you find a note tonight that sounds good, play the same damn note every night!
William "Count" Basie (1904 - 1984)

Wisdom Lodge No. 102 (Prince Hall), Chicago. Also a Shriner

Gettysburg National Military Park

Friend to Friend
A Brotherhood United

Hot Fett

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Great Freemasons: Swami Vivekananda (1863 - 1902)

"Sectarianism, bigotry, and it's horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful Earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization, and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now.
But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal." Swami Vivekananda

(Hope and Anchor Lodge No. 1, Calcutta)