Saturday, August 23, 2008

Darth Plagiarus for VP

Yes it has been confirmed that Obama has picked Senator Joe Biden from Delaware as his Veep. I prefer to refer to him as Darth Plagiarus, to remember how ol' Joe once plagiarized Neil Kinnock, as well as committed plagiarism back when he was at Syracuse Law school.

Thus, I name him Darth Plagiarus. To think Obama chooses an old political hack, just to shore up his lack of gravitas.

Well I guess we now have gone, in just the course of one Summer, from "change we can believe in" to "same ol' same ol'."

1 comment:

  1. Chaos is Opportunity, Opportunity gives Power; Ignorance is the tool of Power, through it there is Control; Hatred is the flower of Passion, through it there is Compulsion; Powerful emotion is the Guide, through it there is Purpose; There is no doom in Death, eternally there is the Force.

    Unknown Sith Lord.
