Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary's Speech

Well, Hillary Clinton once again proved that she would have been a much better choice for Democrats to nominate for the White House, and right now she would be kicking McCain's butt in the polls.

She was also obviously the best candidate for Vice President as well, but Obama, in what I feel was a combination of weakness and hubris, chose Darth Plagiarus instead.

She made a fine speech for unity, a fine speech against McCain, but not much was there specifically praising Obama. Perhaps because there really isn't all that much there to praise.

By the way, I'd never vote for her, or just about any Democrat -- too much government cheese for my taste. I am writing purely to give credit where credit is due.

Here we are in a year where ANY Democrat beats any Republican by a wide margin, and Mr. Obama can't get more than a point ahead of McCain. His choice of Darth Plagiarus actually HURTS him, and thus far, he hasn't gotten a bump out of this convention.

I bet there's a lot of buyers' remorse among Democrats right now.

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