Monday, September 29, 2008

The Bill Fails DOW Down 777

777 -- that's the number of God in the Kabbalah; Crowley's "Flaming Sword." Pretty weird.

I must say, I am glad the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 went down and failed, even if it leads to a serious market downturn. I feel that it was the wrong approach to a serious problem, and in the wrong run, not only would not fix the problem, but would have made matters worse.

I am proud of those Republicans and Democrats who, in a new kind of bipartisan effort, actually listened to the people and allowed the bill to go down.

Now it is time for them to take a step back, hold hearings, and ignore the idjits on the right and left who CAUSED the crisis. They need to ask, no BEG, Ron Paul to get some sound money economists up there are ask them how the heck did we get here and what must we do to get out?

Why do I feel they will not do this?


  1. Thanks to the bunch of pussies who called their congress person and block the bill. Enjoy the Drop to your 401K - Idiots.

  2. Well, to be sure, some are pussies, but many are just people who don't like what seemed to be a government takeover of our financials.

    Some were certainly somewhat ignorant populists convinced by what was largely at first the Democrats anti-wall street crap.

    Personally, I feel something ought to be done, but maybe THIS plan wasn't the right way to go. I feel the compromise plan was better than the Paulson plan, but was still highly unsatisfied.

    I HOPE they have hearings after Rosh Hashana and really come up with something better and vote on it.

    I don't like seeing my stocks go down either, but as a long haul investor, I would vastly prefer they do something that doesn't make matters worse in the long run.
