Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Confirmed: He's an Idiot

Barack Obama responded today to the reactions to the stupid comment he made yesterday in the dumbest possible way; instead of manning up, showing some class, and admitting it was a dumb remark in the context of what is going on, what did he do?

Blamed the McCain campaign. What an ultra-maroon. It is beginning to look like he actually wants to lose this thing. Actually, it shows that he is simply horrible under pressure, and incompetent when he has to rely on his own wits. He also is as arrogant as he is stupid; he could have manned up, admitted to the gross blunder -- AND blamed the campaign as well as the media for over-reacting -- but no, he has to say it's all YOU, not ME. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

I simply can not understand how people have any idea that this is a smart man. George Bush is a certifiable GENIUS by comparison.

Every time I start thinking I still might vote for Bob Barr, he comes along and makes me want to vote for the lesser of evils, just to protect my country from this knucklehead. Oy vey.

Somebody scare me with some nasty Palin rumor. Please.

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