Friday, September 26, 2008

The First Debate

First off, I must say that I LOVE this format of debate. The moderator asks a question, they each have two minutes to answer it; then they get five minutes for freeform exchange. Excellent format.

The best moment was when McCain said, "so let me get this straight -- we sit down with ahmadinejad and he says, let's wipe Israel off the map, and we say, no you won't." that was pretty funny.

Or words to that effect. That as the "moment" of the debate. Otherwise, it was a pretty even debate. I must say it again: I LOVE this format.

I would say McCain won marginally on both points and style. Obama said, "me too" way too much, and he made too many faces.

That being said, Obama got through it fine, without any damage from McCain. In that he is ahead in the polls, that's bad for McCain.

What Obama failed to do was he did not come off as self assured as he ordinarily does, and I don't think he did anything that will sway the swing voter his way. McCain may have done marginally better with that, by showing his understanding and experience with foreign policy, and calling for a spending freeze on all government other than defense, entitlements, and veterans.

Also McCain ended better. Bottom line, no clear winner, which is good for Obama.

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