Monday, September 15, 2008

"Fundamentals Of the Economy"

McCain has been saying that the fundamentals of the economy are strong, and they are, depending on what you mean when you say "fundamentals."

Unemployment is historically low, as is inflation. The GDP is growing, albeit more slowly than in recent quarters.

Even if we were in a recession, and all those numbers where lower or negative, our fundamentals (capitalism) are the strongest fundamentals on earth.

But Obama-Biden are attacking John McCain for saying that the "fundamentals are strong." One can only assume that they mean, since the numbers are pretty good, that capitalism is fundamentally flawed, and we need a new system, socialism.

One more reason to hold your nose and vote McCain, even if he is wrong on so many things -- he doesn't want to destroy this country and change it into something it was never meant to be.

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