Friday, September 12, 2008

A Perfect Example

This is exactly what I was talking about in part of my earlier post, Interesting Press Release from Bob Barr, here we have a clear example of the misunderstanding from the left side of the spectrum.

First, note carefully, in his hatred of Republicans, how he fails to make the connection between the faction within the Jihad that took over Iran and declared war against us in 1979, and the faction of that same Jihad known as Al Qaeda that declared war on us and then attacked us on 9/11.

Also note how he blames REPUBLICANS for taking over 9/11 and using it for their own political ends, when he forgets HOW that happened. That happened primarily due to Democrat hatred of George Bush outweighing their love of freedom.

George Bush didn't do anything against Democrats after 9/11; Democrats, instead of helping to unite the country against the Jihad, immediately began to undermine our war against it.

Note the hatred in his missive, note the venom. THIS is what has divided this country, NOT George Bush. To be fair, George Bush has been weak on this as well; he has failed to truly educate the American people and has failed to effectively communicate what and why we fight.

That's HIS fault. The Democrats, however, have continued to obfuscate the situation in a clear attempt to hurt him. As we saw in 2006, they clearly chose that winning elections was more important than winning the war against the Jihad. In Olbermann's screed, we can see just how much hating his political enemies among his fellow Americans is more important to him than actually understanding the issues at hand and what we are up against.

It is time for everyone to stop this crap and recognize that our enemy, the Jihad, sees this and is emboldened by it.

Special thanks to Yid With a Lid for finding this dirty little gem.

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