Thursday, September 4, 2008

Republican Convention, Wednesday Night

Well, Mitt Romney, coming out in all his Happy Family Barbie style, showed once again that even if he believes what he is saying, he comes off as a phony. Never before have I witnessed a man who is so authentically inauthentic. Nice suit, though; said a few decent things about free markets.

Huckabee. Ahh, Huckabee. Still trying a bit too hard to be funny, but not the worst speech I've ever heard. Not much there there though. Nice little anecdote about the veterans and the desks.

Then came Rudy. Vintage Rudy. Good job from a man who is very good at making both a compelling argument and a fiery speech. The NY City background without the twin towers still chills me to the bone. It still doesn't look like my city.


Then came the highlight of the night. Sarah Palin. She rocked and brought down the house. Simply a great speech. People are saying she is no Hillary Clinton, and they are right, she's no Hillary Clinton. She's a Ronald Reagan.

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