Sunday, September 14, 2008

These Crappy Ads Should Stop

Now, I LOVE a good negative ad. I still remember Reagan's "Bear in the Woods" ad, that's how effective it was. It was not only well, done but most importantly, it made a reasonable point.

This one starts out very well, but that crack about sex education is ridiculous:


And this one is just garbage. Granted, Obama was an idiot to use the "lipstick" metaphor in context of Sarah Palin's ad-lib joke at the convention, but it is unfair and inaccurate to say he INTENTIONALLY meant HER. No, he was, all by himself, showing he is too dumb to lead this nation. McCain should have let the victory go at that but no, sensing the blood in the water, went too far:


Now, Obama is not innocent in this either, in fact, one can say he has done one even more despicable than the other two.

Epic Fail.

Not only does John McCain know how to use a computer and send out an e-mail; he has a difficult time because his war injuries make using a keyboard tough.

Instead of THIS, far more effective ad that plays on the same theme:
See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Dudes, to quote the great political pundit whose "government name" is Sean Combs, you are buggin' the f**k out. A rich bimbo is making better attack ads than you. Cut the crap and let's see some quality attack ads, like this one:

Or this gem:

Smart attack ads FTW.

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