Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another "Who is John Galt" Moment

Well, now they've used this financial crisis as excuse to partially nationalize several of the nations largest banks.

This is bad, very bad. The great socialist George Bush, the president who has spent more money than any president in history, has now made perhaps the most socialist move in our history. He has promised that this is only temporary:

"The government's role will be limited and temporary," Bush pledged. "These measures are not intended to take over the free market but to preserve it." He said these steps and other related actions echoed similar bold moves made overseas in an effort to prevent a global recession.

Bush said that by restoring confidence in the system, the hope is to "return our economy back to the road of growth and prosperity."

Why am I reminded of this moment...

This does not bode well for our future. It won't help the economy, even if the markets rebound in the short term. It rewards failure, like the bailout, and also, will make investors not want to invest. Why invest when the government can take over at any moment?

This problem was CAUSED by big government and socialism -- in the form of GSE's Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Socialist bankruptcy can not solved with more socialism.

"Temporary" my eye. What is going to happen when a REAL socialist like Obama takes over? More of the same. Obama will be like four more years of George Bush, only more of the worst of Bush, and none of the good of Bush.

Ugh. Who is John Galt?

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