Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Perfect Attack Ad

High praise to Republicans for making a skillful negative ad that highlights democrat involvement in the recent financial meltdown. Thus far, Democrats have been lying day and night about how it was the past eight years of "Bush deregulation," without pointing to one Bush deregulation that was casual. It's just a blanket lie, and the media isn't calling them on it.

This ad brings out a bit of the truth on this. Now BOTH parties are guilty of what led to the current crisis, but not Republicans from the Bush era. The republicans who made the significant regulatory changes were of the Clinton era primarily, and had nothing to do with Bush.

Now, personally, I don't think deregulation really had much to do with what happened, but if one does, one ought not lie about who did the deregulating just so they can hurt Republicans and get elected. Once again the Democrats place political power over patriotism.

It wasn't Bush. Bush called for MORE regulation in this area not less.

Anyway, here's the ad. Enjoy:

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