Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Second Presidential Debate


Worst debate EVER. Brokaw could not have sucked more as moderator; not only did he select the worst questions which half of them were the same questions, he asked the worst follow up questions.

McCain definitely won on points, style and substance, but not enough to make a difference. Also, he probably lost any chance of ever getting my vote this year, what with his massive 300 Billion Dollar communist housing plan. Frak that, John McCain.

Now you have one, and only one chance, of getting my vote. If Bush comes out with bin Laden's head on a pike, claiming "it was all John Mcain's plan...thank HIM." You got that you communist creep? Otherwise, say hello to the guy who pals around with terrorists in the White House. Jerk.

Looks like I am gonna go for Mr. Libertarian come-lately Bob Barr. At least I know he's gonna lose, and some Republican with a brain is gonna say, maybe going commie loses us votes? maybe we should go for that limited government thing again?

Frakking ultra-maroon. Almost had me.

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