Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Endorsement

Here we go, the moment you've all been waiting for (yeah, right). Who will I actually endorse?

Okay, let's start with Obama. No way. No F'in way. Most socialistic guy to ever get near the white house? No way, no how.

The man who thinks we are at war with al qaeda and not with something bigger? The man who thinks the war is in Afghanistan and not in Iraq, not in the Philippines, not in Africa, not in Europe, not in Kazakhstan, Not in the rest of the world? Obama is a non starter.

The man who will let the democratic congress give us the fairness doctrine? No way.

The man who would certainly appoint legislators from the bench supreme court justices? No way.

Now, McCain. Better than Obama at all levels, but still a big government republican, still a man who will destroy the economy for some bad environmental science.

He is marginally better than Obama on the economy, but only marginally. he, like Obama, are good on immigration. They want more legal immigration, and we need that.

On the war, McCain is right on, and if that were the only issue, I'd vote for him. But there's more, much more.

He's still no better than Obama on civil liberties, although he would probably veto a fairness doctrine. He certainly won't repeal the Patriot Act, which has been a nightmare.

Nader? Nope. See Obama. Although better on civil liberties, a nightmare on economics.

McKinney. See Nader and Obama.

Ron Paul. Right on everything but the war and immigration. My second choice.

Bob Barr: a clear winner. I don't agree with him on the war, but he seems more reasonable than Ron Paul. same thing with immigration. Like Ron, 100% on the economy and civil liberties. I've been voting Libertarian most of my life, because I agree with them on the basic issues.

This year, my hawkish disposition isn't gonna change me. If I lived in a battleground state, I'd probably be voting for Mccain, and if YOU do, I hope you vote for McCain, because I'd rather have him in the White House than Obama. But if you live in Obamaland like me, time to send a message again that you really want CHANGE, and not more of the same. I want FREEDOM.

Bob Barr for President 2008.

And now let me close with the best campaign video I have ever seen:

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