Monday, November 3, 2008

Prediction: Obama By a Nose; Republicans Cry Foul

Now, first off I have no idea how this thing is gonna go, but I may as well make a prediction so I can see how wrong I was after the fact. My GUESS is, Obama will win, but it won't be by a very wide margin.

I believe many states will be very close, and McCain's campaign will contest it at every level. I see a repeat of Bush/Gore from the other side, and four years of hate and Republicans, like Democrats before them, crying about a "stolen election."

Barr gets 1%, Nader about the same, maybe a little less -- pretty high for third parties.

Democrats keep both houses -- probably get that filibuster proof Senate they dream of. As some other pundit dude said, it probably won't matter since there are always about five RINOs who side with Democrats anyway.

If any of these predictions turns out to be right, remember who you heard it from. If wrong, I blame society ;)

Update: I'm sad I was right about Obama winning, but very glad I was wrong about the margin. A decisive victory will remove any excuses Republicans might have to undermine his presidency. Hopefully we can all put "country first" and face our challenges together, including winning the war against the Jihad and rebuild our economy.

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