Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why the Republican Party Has Failed

The Republican Party has fallen apart for two primary reasons over the past several years: big spending and corruption.

They have tarnished their reputation by spending more than democrats, and becoming beholden to lobbyists. The Contract With America generation betrayed the people who voted for them, and were rightly tossed out of office in 2006, and because they lost the base with their poor behavior, lost the game to an organized, energized opposition in the form of the Obama movement.

It is time for Republicans to find their roots in limited government and constitutionalism, once they have done that -- and convinced the people they mean it -- they will return to power.

I am already seeing some bad signs. The McCain campaign is beginning to blame Palin, instead of realizing that she helped more than she hurt -- and that after the September economic meltdown, there wasn't much anyone could do to help McCain win.

Instead of looking at the facts, they are looking for blame. Best way to divide a party, and the best way to fail. The Democrats successfully united after a bitter feud between Hillary and Barack, the Republican Party needs to learn the same lesson.

(Crossposted over at

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