Monday, February 9, 2009

A Universalist Profession of Faith

From Christian Universalism True Biblical Christianity by Ken Allen, Th.D.

Below, is a concise Profession of Faith which is suitable for use in private or public devotions and services. The first three articles (paragraphs) of this profession are known as the historic "Winchester Profession" which has been used by many churches and individuals since its inception at Winchester, New Hampshire in 1803. A fourth article (paragraph) was appended by some Christian Universalists at a later date. This profession is commended as containing the "Five Principles of the Christian Universalist Faith."

We believe, that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments contain a revelation of the character of God, and of the duty, interest, and final destination of mankind.

We believe there is one God, whose nature is love; revealed in one Lord Jesus Christ, by one Holy Spirit of grace, who will finally restore the whole family of mankind to holiness and happiness.

We believe, that holiness and true happiness are inseparably connected; and that believers ought to maintain order, and practice good works, for these things are good and profitable unto men.

We believe that God, as the moral governor of the universe, will restore righteous and equitable rewards and punishments upon all mankind according to their several characters or deserts; but that all punishment will be remedial, and consequently limited.