Friday, July 18, 2014

Great Freemasons: Red Skelton (July 18, 1913 – September 17, 1997)

If by chance some day you're not feeling well and you should remember some silly thing I've said or done and it brings back a smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart, then my purpose as your clown has been fulfilled.
Richard Bernard "Red" Skelton (July 18, 1913 – September 17, 1997)

(Newly made Shriners Roy Rogers, Potentate Harold Lloyd, Red Skelton, and Dick Powell)

Ever the patriot, here is a great video of Brother Skelton explaining the meaning behind the Pledge of Allegiance:

Red Skelton was an American entertainer best known for being a national radio and television comedian between 1937 and 1971. Skelton, who has stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, began his show business career in his teens as a circus clown and continued on vaudeville and Broadway and in films, radio, TV, nightclubs, and casinos, all while he pursued an entirely separate career as an artist.

(Vincennes Lodge No. 1, Vincennes, Indiana, in 1939. He also was a member of both the Scottish and York Rite. He was the recipient of the General Grand Chapter’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Service in the Arts and Sciences.

On September 24, 1969, he received the highest honor in the Scottish Rite when he was coroneted an Inspector General Honorary 33°. He was also a Shriner at the Al Malaikah Shrine Temple in Los Angeles, California).

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