Sir, by the eternal principles of natural justice, no master in the State has a right to hold his slave in bondage for a single hour; but the law of the land, which (however oppressive and unjust, however inconsistent with the great groundwork of the late Revolution and our present frame of government) we can not in prudence or from a regard to individual rights abolish, has authorized a slavery as bad or perhaps worse than the most absolute, unconditional servitude that ever England knew in the early ages of its empire, under the tyrannical policy of the Danes, the feudal tenures of the Saxons, or the pure villanage of the Normans.
William Pinkney (March 17, 1764 – February 25, 1822)
William Pinkney (March 17, 1764 – February 25, 1822) was an American statesman and diplomat, and the seventh U.S. Attorney General.
(Amanda Lodge 12, Annapolis, MD)