Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Wonder Woman Wednesday! Art by Freddie Williams II

Monday, October 17, 2022

How Sad It Must Be


Wednesday Addams | Official Trailer | Netflix

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Libertarians: Helping the Fascists, Every Damn Day. LIKE IT'S THEIR JOB.

Very frustrated as I see Libertarians helping Republicans wreck democracy.
Every Libertarian Party candidate has two things in common: they are pretending Republicans are not fascists trying to wreck democracy, and they are pretending Democrats are just as bad as whatever it is they are pretending Republicans are.
For the record, Republicans are fascists.
Democrats are neo-liberals and social democrats. Neo-liberal influenced social democracies are the most libertarian societies in history, from Canada to the Scandanavian countries.
Republicans have never been more authoritarian, and Democrats have never been more libertarian. As the Southern Strategy worked its evil, it brought he northern and southern racists and authoritarians under a white Christian banner in the Republican Party.
Through no work of their own, Democrats just got more libertarian as these authoritarians left. Then I became a Democrat, and they got MUCH more libertarian in one day (haha right).
Anyway, Republicans have decided democracy had its chance and now we need a white Christian dictatorship.
Democrats are standing against that, on shaky legs. None of them have ever beaten fascism before, and neither have I. I just know we have to work for freedom if we're going to keep it.
I am a libertarian and was an LP libertarian supporter my whole life: until I made a big error backing a guy I really liked (Gary Johnson) instead of Hillary, whom I still don't like, and to whatever extent I hurt Hillary I helped fascism rise in the US.
I had NO idea the whole Republican Party would shift to Trumpism and change the entire liberty dynamic in four years. I was wrong, and Libertarians are wrong now.
Freedom sometimes isn't about preference. It's not the automat. It's something people sometimes have to fight for. Like now.
In race after race, Libertarians are pretending the two are the same, that it's a "duopoly." It's not. Not now. Maybe not ever.
Don't vote third party. Please.
That's how Hitler took over. The anti-fascist vote divided, and he won in a plurality. It wasn't the same as here. The Weimar Constitution was weaker than ours, but still, history doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Similar dynamics, adapted to our special circumstances. That's how fascism works.
If you believe in democracy, take fascism seriously and vote for democracy, not ideology. Vote Democratic.


Mutant Monday! Jubilee Art by Pop Mhan