Friday, August 29, 2008

Great Ad

Another great one swiped from Jeff Freeman:

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama's Speech

Well, there were two contradictory speeches slapped together in a fairly decent manner. The first speech was the same old junk we have heard from leftists and other statists for oh, about a hundred years or so. That part may have pleased his leftist base, but I am sure America's business owners, small and large, shuddered. He wrapped this in his own messianic crapola, pretending he can do things that quite frankly no government can do.

The second speech however, was quite good, and spoke to what is truly great about this country, and, if he was sincere, I applaud.

He claims to be ready to debate Mr. McCain. Why is it then that he hasn't agreed to very many, and those he seems to be agreeing to, are only three and only the most controlled kind? That calls into question his sincerity, and his real confidence on what he said tonight.

In the end, all I can say is, not bad. Not that good either.

In fact, after looking at how some folks look to the good Senator as some kind of a Messiah is: Senator Obama, I serve the Messiah. I know the Messiah. The Messiah is a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Messiah.

Bush or Batman?

I found this on Jeff Freeman's blog and I thought it was cute:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More Of The Same; or, In Which I Plagiarize a Page from Darth Plagiarus

Barack Obama will spend more of our money on alternative fuels that cost more than oil and increase food costs for everyone on earth, that's not change, that's more of the same.

Barack Obama will spend more of our money on health care, and continue turning the greatest health care system in the history of medicine into another socialist mess like Canada, England and France. That's not change, that's more of the same

Barack Obama will take more of our money and spend it on education, further wrecking what was once the greatest education system on earth by throwing money at the problem, when for generations, that hasn't made the situation better. That's not change, that's more of the same.

Barack Obama will rob from the rich and give to the poor, eroding America's wealth and further destroying the incentive for the small businessman to succeed. That's not change, that's more of the same.

Barack Obama will raise minimum wage, throwing the poor and unskilled laborer out of work. Then he will throw more of our money to the unemployed that he helped create. That's not change, that's more of the same.

Barack Obama will make government bigger, and bigger, and bigger. He will take more and more of our money to do so. That's not change, that's more of the same.

You want change, vote for Bob Barr. You want more of the same, choose from Column A or Column B. Either way, it's more of the same.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary's Speech

Well, Hillary Clinton once again proved that she would have been a much better choice for Democrats to nominate for the White House, and right now she would be kicking McCain's butt in the polls.

She was also obviously the best candidate for Vice President as well, but Obama, in what I feel was a combination of weakness and hubris, chose Darth Plagiarus instead.

She made a fine speech for unity, a fine speech against McCain, but not much was there specifically praising Obama. Perhaps because there really isn't all that much there to praise.

By the way, I'd never vote for her, or just about any Democrat -- too much government cheese for my taste. I am writing purely to give credit where credit is due.

Here we are in a year where ANY Democrat beats any Republican by a wide margin, and Mr. Obama can't get more than a point ahead of McCain. His choice of Darth Plagiarus actually HURTS him, and thus far, he hasn't gotten a bump out of this convention.

I bet there's a lot of buyers' remorse among Democrats right now.

Democratic Convention Night One

Very touching Kennedy bit, Obama's kids are soooo cute.

Wake me up when something cool happens.

Monday, August 25, 2008

KOTOR Online?

here's a nice collection of the facts, rumors, conjectures and whatevers about the new Bioware/LucasArts project. I am cautiously optimistic, as always, about this game, but either way, I'm excited about ANY news. Anyone out there have any juicy tidbits?